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giovedì 31 maggio 2012

Composing Dynamic Landscape Images

A Guest Post by Todd Sisson from

As a landscape photographer I am constantly seeking that next X-factor shot – an image that leaps from the screen or page and demands the viewer’s attention – preferably attention of the favourable variety.
If you spend an hour or two on a photosharing site like Flickr viewing landscape images in un- curated groups you will note that a very small percentage of the total image population stands out from the crowd.
However, if you view a carefully curated collection of top-shelf landscape images you will probably start to notice some themes appearing. Certain visual cues and devices appear across multiple images – there will often be subtle commonalities between these attention hogging photos.
In many instances these images will possess the qualities of what I consider a dynamic landscape image.

by Todd Sisson from

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Turning Pro Part II: People Skills and Generosity

by Valerie Jardin

A few weeks ago I wrote 15 Tips About Turning Pro. I thought it would be a good time to expand on some of those tips and add a few more. Today’s article is the second in that series. Hope you find these new suggestions useful. If you missed part I titled Portfolio and Persistence, you can read it here.
Part 2: People Skills and Generosity.
What do all successful professional photographers have in common? Great people skills and a generous spirit!

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giovedì 24 maggio 2012

5 Tips for Shooting Landscapes with Greater Impact

Hands down, the number one question I get is how to make better landscape images. Many fall into the new-gear trap thinking that when I upgrade to some new DSLR then I’ll be able to take better pictures.

They buy the gear and suddenly the wind drops from their sails and their images still lack impact. So let’s talk about some things you can do to make your landscape photos pop.
1. Fanatically Chase the Best Light
What is good light you say? There is really no such thing as bad light, but it’s hard to create images with impact during the middle of the day when the sun is high. Midday the sun is harsh and it washes out colors and texture with heavy dark shadows.

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giovedì 10 maggio 2012

8 Tips To Take Better Travel Pictures

by Valerie Jardin
Ever noticed how some people’s vacation pictures are often an imitation of the postcards they could have easily bought at the airport on their way home? Whether it’s the Eiffel Tower or the Sydney Opera, it’s common to try to capture those iconic images. After all, it’s one reason why we chose to travel to these exotic locales in the first place, right?
Think about your last vacation – what do you remember most fondly? Those famous landmarks? Or the colorful markets, the fresh pastries in the bakery window, the people sitting in the cafes, the street vendors and buskers, the smell of the streets after a morning rain? The next time you travel, think “outside the postcard” and create your own iconic images, your own stories and memories. Here are a few tips to help you get started. 1- Include signage in you pictures. The name and price of the fruits and vegetables at farmer’s market written in the local language, creatively painted store signs, a newsstand featuring local papers, even the city street signs will give your images a lively sense of place.
Valerie Jardin Hello! I am from France, now living in Minnesota in the US. I live and breathe in pixels! I shoot for a living, mostly interiors, food and lifestyle. I shoot on my days off, just about anything that moves me. I never go anywhere without my camera! Visit my Website Follow me on Facebook , Twitter , Google+. Valerie will be leading a Photo Workshop in Paris, France in October 2012! Read more: